1. Major Achievemnents To Date Except MARKET RESEARCH

Desk-Top Publishing System
Production of sales manual, the planning and production of the sales catalog, and the creating of a new marketing strategy for their DTP System's entry into the market. Also the marketing report on competing makers' products.

Proposal of strategies, and the creating of guidelines for their increasing passangers.

Musical Entertainment
Planning and production of the sales sheet for use by the salesmen, and creating proposals for ways of increasing customers.

*Planning and production of marketing and business sales proposals for entertainments
*Planning and production of business promotion proposals, caatalogues and business mannuals
*Planning and production of product catalogues for computer related systems
*Planning and production of product catalogues for consumer oriented audio system
*Organization and support in the carrying out of product demonstrations for new release in information system
*Planning and production of publicity materials for television programs including newspaper and magazine advertising, posters and novelties
*Production of posters, publicity materials and concert programs for music and theater performance
*Design of logos for entertainment, conferences and other events
*Design and production of pamphlets and publicity materials for international conferences
*Proposals for new names and logos for promotion of corporate identity
*Production of personnel affairs related advertising
*Planning and production of corporate advertisings
*Planning and production of pamphlets outlining company profile, etc.
*Planning and production of various sales promotion and publicity materials
*Planning for strategy of corporate management

2. Easy Fields

Marketing of electronic goods for the consumer.
Marketing for the entertainment industry.
Marketing for the service industry.
Marketing for consumer goods, such as food, housing, etc.
Employment strategies and proposals in Japan.


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