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555 Can I make other purchases with my Nordstrom credit card?
2023/5/26(金)18:16 - jiya - abts-north-dynamic- - 316 hit(s)

Yes. Since the Nordstrom credit card is a VISA card, you can use it wherever VISA is accepted as payment. That covers the majority of the major retailers, eateries, grocers, petrol stations, and other establishments. In addition to Nordstrom.com, you can shop online at a lot of other stores using your Nordstrom credit card.Amazon.com, Macy's, Bloomingdale's, and other retailers are examples of merchants. However, before attempting to make any online purchases with your Nordstrom credit card, you should always double-check with the retailer to be sure they accept VISA.

Source: https://www.accountiod.com/nordstromcard-com-activate/


【555】 Can I make other purchases with my Nordstrom credit card? 2023/5/26(金)18:16 jiya

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